iPhone’s humidity issues

Hong Kong people love Apple products of all shapes and sizes. In Hong Kong, the iPhone dominates the smartphone market with a 78 percent market share, according to a March report by AdMob, which serves advertisements to mobile websites and applications around the world.

When a new product is launched, the whole social media world spits the new buzzword once in every millisecond. Say for example iPhone. It got so much publicity that Apple would have done fine even if it did not advertise the product. But as much as local people adore iPhone, the feeling isn’t exactly mutual as Apple’s prized posession is apparently sensitive to humid surroundings.

Behind the sleek new features such as 5 megapixel camera, improved screen resolution and FaceTime video calling, a feature more essential to phone operation was never included in the latest release. Hong Kong’s humid conditions pose a threat to the smooth operation of these gadgets. On many occasions, humidity in the city exceeds 95%, bringing sweaty a experience not only to humans but also to electronic devices like that beloved iPhone. Worse, Apple appears to have detected the problem and does not accept any warranty coverage for similar damages. Normally, if your phone is damaged by liquid, it is not covered by AppleCare Protection Plan, Apple’s warranty coverage. That sounds justified if you’re careless and dropped your phone into the pool or it got soaked in the rain while still in your pocket. 

But what about if it were damaged by liquid due to the humidity of the surroundings? Unfortunately, that also belongs to the same category of damage and will therefore not be covered by the warranty service. Different districts in Hong Kong experience varying degrees of humidity but it doesn’t mean there is a location safe enough to prevent the problem.

Shall we wait for iPhone 5 or a later upgrade of iPhone 4 to get assurance that humidity is no longer an iPhone issue?