Facebook’s Gmail killer, Titan is on its way

While Google is still dragging its feet with the social networking, Facebook is launching a direct attack at Google with its new email project called Titan. Email is nothing new and there are hundreds of email providers. What makes Facebook’s email so special, is its cross-compatibility with social networking, photo sharing and event sharing capabilities. Of course it has 500 million friends which is hard to beat.

Gartner has estimated that 20 percent of employees will replace email with social networking by 2014. For Facebook it already is 2014. For Google it is 2012. I am not sure if Google has a strategy up its sleeve anymore. Facebook has siphoned off most of whatever users left on Orkut in India. Google, realizing a little late, blocked Facebook with a big rant about how closed Facebook is. I kind of grew up on Google and hate to see Google go down without a fight. What will Google do now?

If email is the only thing you don’t do on Facebook, and if email comes to Facebook, would you ever leave Facebook?

[via TechCrunch]