Reviewing Thailand’s Groupon wannabees

This week I posted a ZDNET Asia blog post looking at Thailand’s group-buying scene, which you may recall I initially covered for CNNGo (over here) back in September of last year.

I don’t publicise many ZDNet blog posts here, however this one may be of interest to Thai webspace followers and those keeping an eye on the group-buying scene across Asia alike, so I’ve include the an excerpt and the link for further details.

Back in September last year I wrote about group-buying in Thailand for CNN Go commenting that the industry was “set to take off in a major way”.

Fast forward more than six months to today and the group-buying industry has arguably yet to gain the momentum I foresaw. Though there is a noticeable increase in content unique to sites, which was not the case back in September, and visitor numbers have gone up, Thailand’s group-buying sites are still struggling for mainstream attention.

Ensogo continues to lead the pack with its advertising campaign cropping across Thai Web space and in traditional media, and making its presence felt even in the carriages of Bangkok’s skytrain. For its endeavor and ad spend, Ensogo is, according to Google’s DoubleClick traffic monitor, receiving an impressive (estimated) 3.9 million page views per month.

The competition is far less established and lagging Ensogo badly. I expected to see a greater force in Thai Web giant Sanook’s coupon service, which has 240,000 page views per month. New sites (180,000 pv/m) and (140,000 pv/m) lead the long tail of smaller services which include CouCafe (93,000 pv/pm) and TikTokThai (22,000 pv/pm).

Read the full piece over at my ZDNet Asia blog here.