Opera Mini statistic: 77pc of Indonesian users access Facebook.com

Opera in its April 2011 Opera Mini access statistic, focused on social media websites access, shows clear fact that Indonesia is “Facebook Republic”. A total of 77% Opera Mini users access Facebook.com, and its equal with 69% page views total by Indonesian Opera Mini users. The number is also equal with Philippines and is the largest percentage in the world for social media statistic.

However there are some countries where Facebook isn’t dominating. In Brazil. 40% users access Google’s orkut.com. In Uni Soviet’s ex nations vkontakte.ru dominates the statistic by 47% in Russia and 11% in Kazakhstan. Lesser number went to renren.com in China (4%) and zing.vn in Vietnam (9%)

As for Indonesia despite 3% decline on page views rate compared to April 2010, there’s a rise of 41.9% for unique users on the same period. The statistic said that in general every users access 477 page with average data transferred of 5MB per user.

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