The SoPhone: King of the iPhone 4 fakes

The SoPhone has the honor of being the best iPhone4 knockoff ever created (to date).

fake iphone41 The SoPhone: King of The iPhone 4 Fakes picture

Considering how many iPhone knockoffs there are in China and how similar most of them look to the original Apple iPhone 4, this is an amazing bogus accomplishment indeed.

At first sight, you can almost not tell the SoPhone is a fake. It not only looks almost exactly like the real thing, its manufacturers have taken it up even a notch further by including a UI

It looks bloody awesome, and we almost could not tell it is a knockoff at first sight. Other than imitating the appearance of the original, the knockoff makers have brought the device to the next level by including a user interface that functions exactly like the real thing.

Powered by a MTK6235 chipset, SoPhone comes equipped with a 3.5-inch touch-screen, 4GB of flash storage, front and rear cameras, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and a removable 1400mAh battery. It measures 115.2×58.6×9.3mm, which is, not so coincidentally, exactly the same size as Apple’s iPhone 4.

It does not, however, have a retina display nor does it include a micro SD card slot.

Read more at Weird Asia News