Adobe: Leading APAC brands to prioritize content creation and workflow enhancements in the digital era

  • 79% of senior executives in the Asia Pacific region have reported an increase in demand for content.
  • 43% of senior executives in the Asia Pacific are focusing on streamlining their content processes and improving efficiency through workflow automation as a top priority for 2023.

As customer expectations for high-quality experiences continue to increase, businesses must adopt a creative mindset and use problem-solving skills to remain relevant and find effective solutions to their business and customer challenges. Businesses must also find imaginative ways to motivate their teams, improve efficiency, and streamline their work processes by aligning their personnel, procedures, and technology. As the future approaches, it is evident that the digital economy is poised for expansion, and Adobe is fully committed to participating in this growth.

In light of this, Adobe has unveiled its 13th annual Digital Trends Report, offering insights into brand marketing, IT priorities, and strategies for the coming year. The report was based on a worldwide survey of over 9,000 executives, practitioners, and agency employees, with 800 respondents from the Asia Pacific (APAC) region.

The report highlights the efforts made by leading brands to prioritize investments in improving the speed, scale, and efficiency of their content creation and workflows. By doing so, they aim to establish stronger customer relationships and achieve success in 2023. They are also enhancing their marketing processes and technologies to maximize their investments and seize every opportunity.

Duncan Egan, Vice President of Digital Experience Marketing at Adobe Asia Pacific and Japan, stated that customers now demand personalized and content-rich experiences. “To meet this, business leaders need to prioritize a content supply chain backed by workflow automation, built on a customer-centric strategy and streamlined for the entire content lifecycle,” he explained.

Content creation at scale

The research findings show that 79% of senior executives in the Asia Pacific region have noted a substantial increase in demand for content. However, only 25% of brands consider themselves competent in producing and distributing content, despite customers’ growing need for engaging digital experiences across multiple channels.

Adobe: Leading APAC brands to prioritize content creation and workflow enhancements in the digital era

Source – Shutterstock

As a result, prominent companies in the industry are reviewing and streamlining their content supply chains, encompassing the entire process of content planning, creation, distribution, and analysis. These companies focus on enhancing efficiency and reducing costs, with 43% of senior APAC executives claiming to have made their content processes more streamlined.

Streamlining workflow management

According to the research, a significant challenge faced by APAC marketing practitioners is a lack of time to be creative, with 41% citing it as a barrier to delivering exceptional customer experiences. Only 25% of APAC practitioners view their organizations as competent in planning, prioritizing, and assigning content to achieve desired outcomes, compared to 33% globally. Additionally, 41% see workflow issues as a significant challenge holding back their marketing efforts.

To overcome these challenges and enhance their content production capabilities in 2023, leading APAC brands have emphasized streamlining workflow management and improving digital collaboration among their content teams. 37% have made streamlining or automating collaboration processes a priority, while 43% have focused on using workflow automation to enhance the efficiency of their marketing and customer experience processes. This is a higher percentage than the global average of 38%.

Pioneering in the digital world – Adobe

Investments in content and creative workflows have become a priority for leaders as they aim to improve processes and technologies in the current economic climate. APAC leaders are focusing on maximizing the value of their technologies, with 45% planning to invest in new marketing and data technologies in 2023 and 33% seeking to maximize their existing technologies.

As the digital economy grows, companies are preparing themselves for new possibilities. Some brands are testing new methods to create customer value, such as Starbucks and its Starbucks Odyssey platform, where users can earn, buy, and trade digital collectibles. Disney is exploring accelerator program initiatives and experimenting with NFTs in partnership with the digital collectible marketplace, Veve. Meanwhile, Nike has embarked on a long, messy, and experimental journey with its SWOOSH initiative. This platform allows customers to co-create new products and trade physical and virtual products.

However, not all organizations can focus on long-term planning and strategy due to economic concerns. 65% of senior brand executives in APAC reported that their emphasis on immediate needs has resulted in a decrease in longer-term planning and strategy. On the other hand, 41% of APAC respondents are looking ahead and learning about marketing in the metaverse.

These early pioneers are experimenting and learning as they navigate new customer relationships and revenue streams. Brands that hope to be successful in 2023 should keep in mind that customer experience expectations will continue to rise in this new space.