takes the lead over Meta in generative AI ad solutions takes the lead over Meta in generative AI ad solutions

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  • leverages generative AI technology to unveil the key components of a successful ad.
  • envisions gaming advertising’s future as empowering user acquisition managers with tools for faster creative iterations, without needing production skills.

Generative AI offers various advantages for marketers, from creating highly personalized customer experiences to allocating resources for more complex tasks. Meta recently revealed plans to employ generative AI for producing ads for various companies by the end of the year.

The tech giant intends to launch tools utilizing AI to assist companies in designing customized images for diverse audiences. However, has already taken the lead, introducing its platform to bring generative AI to video ad creation for mobile game publishers.

Surpassing Meta with generative AI in advertising employs generative AI to revolutionize video ad production and ad analytics. Users input their desired ad parameters, and’s AI algorithms take care of the rest, generating data-driven, measurable, and high-quality ads within minutes. This process accelerates ad creation by sixfold, allowing creative teams to focus on new ideas while produces high-performing iterations. This method eliminates the labor-intensive and time-consuming aspects of manual ad production.

In the current digital landscape, where Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework has changed online advertising, a robust and innovative creative strategy is crucial for marketers to succeed. As privacy becomes a central concern and tracking signals grow scarce, creative assets have become the most critical factor in driving profitable ad spending and achieving marketing excellence.

The advances in generative AI technology, made available through, now allow for generating data-driven, high-performing, and engaging ads that captivate target audiences. takes the lead over Meta in generative AI ad solutions

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Athar Zia, co-founder and CEO of, characterizes the platform as a Generative AI Video Platform that leverages millions of dollars’ worth of creative testing data from the gaming sector to decipher the critical components of a successful ad.

“By generating data-driven, high-performing ads within minutes, our platform empowers businesses to elevate their advertising strategies. We are poised to revolutionize the way companies approach marketing, and we eagerly anticipate the unparalleled success our clients will experience,” Zia stated.

Zia also observed that performance marketing in the gaming industry is highly scientific and quantifiable, but creative production and measurement remain outdated, with limited knowledge of the ingredients for a winning ad and an assumed 95% failure rate. It’s time for the sector to evolve and utilize advancements in Generative AI to create data-driven advertisements that are measurable and capable of delivering scalable performance.

The connection between and Meta

Interestingly, and Meta share a connection. was founded in January 2023 by a group of seasoned professionals from the advertising and technology sectors, including former Meta ads auction expert Athar Zia and former Meta solutions engineer Jay Shah. William Hughes, a renowned creative production specialist with experience at EA, PopCap, BigFish, Social Point, and Tilting Point across over 59 game titles, joined as Chief Creative Officer.

William Hughes, Chief Creative Officer at, emphasizes that user acquisition managers and creative teams struggle to produce high-performing campaigns with limited resources. Currently, decisions are based on human interpretation of performance data, market analysis, and production constraints, which can lead to subpar performance.

On the other hand, generative AI can remove human bias and outdated production methods, enabling studios to reduce overhead, increase production volume, and enhance performance. Hughes noted that this allows creatives more time to concentrate on their creative pursuits.’s team is convinced that the future of gaming advertising involves equipping user acquisition managers with tools that allow them to generate creative iterations more quickly to support their growth objectives without requiring creative production skills. This will expand the scope of user acquisition managers to include data-driven creative iteration production while allowing creative teams to focus on their strengths, such as devising new concepts for business growth.

Acknowledging the significance of user-generated content in today’s digital landscape, plans to roll out new technology features that enable advertisers to reduce the cost and time associated with producing user-generated content. This will allow businesses of all sizes to tap into the power of user-generated content and leverage it to drive growth and engagement.

“The goal is to be the one-stop-shop where you can produce, test, iterate, and get analytics on your creative strategy and production. We will do this by demystifying creative challenges and helping companies scale their advertising efforts profitably,” said Zia.