Half year summary of Indonesia’s internet landscape [infographic]

The folks at PR firm Burson Marsteller Asia have been busy pulling together details of the Indonesian internet landscape based on traffic statistics from the first half of the year. While infographics are used far too often by companies, this particular effort is worth a look as it provides a concise view of the reach and audience of the main online platforms in Indonesia.

This is of particular interest given how huge a medium that online is in the country – particular through mobile, where BlackBerry continues to dominate – not to mention Indonesia’s growing significance both in Southeast Asia and Asia as a whole.

Particularly of interest:

  • Indonesia’s 16.5% internet penetration (does not include mobile – which significantly increases the reach of the internet in the country)
  • Facebook’s 70% reach and massive 6,000 million page views – a rough average of 1,000 million per month
  • Google’s Blogger dominance as the most visited blog platform
  • The superiority of new, ‘social’ media over mainstream media online – WordPress blogs have greater traffic than all but one mainstream media website
  • The stats are taken from Google Planner and therefore relate to traffic levels rather than membership or company provided estimates – iile it is not clear but I would think that mobile internet traffic is not included in these statistics