prepares service for US market

Several days ago, I received press release from Sanny Gaddafi – explained that they have just soft launched their service in the US at the Olympia Weekend 2011 event in Las Vegas, Nevada.

This soft launching might be the sign of their strategy, as written on DailySocial, to work on foreign markets. Because of this news, I contacted Denny Santoso, the founder and CEO of

Denny explained that now in the US, they just did the super-soft-launch to get market insight. As reported, Sixreps is on the negotiation process with the US investor to get market target for their service. This improvement can be the preparation for it. As added by Denny from his explanation on his email, now Sixreps is waiting for the investment process to be completed.

Unfortunately, Denny could not attend the event because of a visa problem. However, if there is no obstacle, the scale-up of the US market will be done around the new year which means in the beginning of 2012.

If we read the official press release, it seems that this is the introduction for the foreign users (US), because there are also the explanations about some features on the SixReps service as social network for fitness and sport enthusiasts in which Indonesian users has understood. As the built-in database from exercise program, fitness modules and some social network facilities are provided. There is also SixReps passport which will be available internationally.

Denny also explained that the development of is now concentrated on the internal factors including infrastructure and server maintenance, which are important since now they are going to work on international market. “Recently, server can accommodate up to 5000 user connections in the same time.”

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