Roberto Baggio wins the Nobel Peace Prize (for just a few hours only)

As mentioned earlier this week, technology can be a wonderful thing.

It is once again to be thanked for preserving a monumental gaff from The Nation, a prominent English language newspaper in Thailand, who earlier today announced ‘Football legend Roberto Baggio wins Nobel Peace Prize’.

As most of the world, and presumably now The Nation’s subs, is aware this year’s Nobel Peace Prize caused much controversy when it was awarded to jailed Chinese writer Liu Xiaobo. However The Nation confused the World Peace Award for 2010, which Baggio received from the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, with the Nobel Peace Prize to produce its very own world-exclusive piece of news.

Later The Nation realised its error and corrected the mistake but only after the headline has been passed around the Twitter world in Thailand and beyond. Despite the edit, in the world of the internet, what’s done is done and webpage caching means the legendary mistake is saved at this link.

Doing my bit to preserve yet another quite wonderful piece of history from a media outlet that recently dubbed a high-profile, national paternity rift Thailand’s Billie Jean King scandal – BJK is, of course, a former professional tennis player while Michael Jackson’s song ‘Billie Jean’ refers to baby-father allegations issues – I present a screenshot of the scoop in its entirety below.


Bonus image. Spotted a journalist from The Nation who put the news out on Twitter:

FYI, someone at The Nation might want to update how the article appears in the website’s search results too.