Money’s the root of much technology

Who better to talk to us about electronic payments, cards, cash, cryptocurrency and cash-on-delivery than Ben Gilbey from Mastercard?

9 September 2020 . 00:31:05

Show Notes for Series 02 Episode 05

The recent months of lockdown and the reliance on the internet for some of life’s basics has shone the spotlight firmly onto online payments. The methods of digital interchange of money began back with the humble COBOL routines of early banking mainframes, have moved through plastic cards, and now onto the mobile phone. With Ben Gilbey of Mastercard, we talk about trends in money, and the geographic differences between attitudes to digital, contactless and cash-on-delivery.

With nearly twenty years experience with the likes of Mastercard and PayPal, Ben answers some questions about where payments systems are going, why the Germans and Japanese still prefer cash, and how some areas in Asia skipped the whole credit card “thing” and moved straight to smartphone app payments, contactless and WeChat.

We also discuss why cryptocurrency payments didn’t really take off last year, and Ben tells us about how Mastercard is behind tech like Apple Pay and paying with NFC chips embedded in your sunglasses. Now even mom-n-pop stores are taking contactless, we talk about how small businesses can use the surge in interest in virtual payments to get down and digital.Who better to talk to us about electronic payments, cards, cash, cryptocurrency and cash-on-delivery than Ben Gilbey from Mastercard?

Mastercard’s Singapore-resident Ben on LinkedIn:

Your host, Joe Green on LinkedIn:



Full transcript available.