Secure by Design: AMD and Dell in the DC

With much of our business data ending up in the cloud, this podcast looks at the ways that hardware manufacturers Dell and AMD are protecting information at a core level in today’s data centers.

4 April 2023 . 00:16:58

Show Notes for Series 03 Episode 33
This podcast is produced in conjunction with AMD and Dell.

There are no avenues that cybersecurity bad actors won’t pursue – emails, software supply chain poisoning, networking, and hardware. With attacks on the internal workings of microchips themselves and even on the memory resources of a server, its critical to secure hardware-based infrastructure. Servers play a key role in IT security and an organization’s ability to resist and mitigate cyberattacks effectively. For data center operators, securing the systems that run-in today’s DCs is of paramount importance.

In today’s episode of the Tech Means Business podcast, we talk to two household name technology vendors about how hardware can be hardened so the services running on them are more secure. Peter Chambers from AMD and Chris Kelly from Dell Technologies talk about chips and servers that are shipped with security baked into hardware, and in Dell’s case, accompanied by advanced tools to make its latest Dell PowerEdge Server range that helps protect customers’ sensitive data and reinforce their security efforts.

Dell announces its PowerEdge Server range:


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More about Dell Technologies World 2023


AMD publishes plenty of information about its chips, and more, here:



Chris Kelly, the Senior Vice President, Data Center Solutions at Dell Technologies, Asia Pacific and Japan can be found on LinkedIn:



AMD’s Peter Chambers, Managing Director – Sales, Asia Pacific & Japan, is here:


The spectre of Joe Green lingers here:
