Powerful payments technology solving tech debt

We talk about a payment service provider capable of extending traditional banks’ services quickly, and reaching the world’s unbanked and underbanked, with Euronet.

16 September 2022 . 00:22:49

Show Notes for Series 03 Episode 14

This podcast is produced in conjunction with Euronet.

Financial institutions with any history at all are renowned for being slow to offer the types of digital banking services that many of us demand. After all, in 2022, should it be quite so challenging to take and send FOREX payments on an e-commerce site?

It’s here that the REN service from Euronet can help out by offering modern, digitally-native financial services to banks and finance houses that are struggling to modernize thanks to legacy infrastructure and technical debt.

In this podcast with Himanshu Pujara, the Managing Director of Asia-Pacific for Euronet, we talk about how the company is fulfilling consumer and business demand for services that, today, we expect just to be a screen tap away and active in seconds.

And at the same time, Euronet is leveraging its technology to leapfrog the traditional evolution of banking in un-banked or under-banked parts of the world. It’s enabling service providers to offer under-served populations immediate access to financial services, like digital wallets and electronic payments.

Built from the ground up with cloud-native technologies, the REN platform is, like microservices themselves, highly modular, extensible, and scalable. The company invested in developing containerized software from its beginnings, so the platform is not only modern but mature, too.

You can learn more about the Euronet REN platform here:

Himanshu Pujara is on LinkedIn here:

And your host, Joe Green, can be found here: