Using AI in education to personalize learning experience. (Source – Shutterstock)

How AI is shaping and personalizing education and learning experiences in Singapore

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  • Geniebook uses AI to customize learning and streamline grading in Singapore’s education.
  • AI meets human touch in Singapore’s education via Geniebook.

The Singapore-based edtech company is leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to bridge the gaps present in traditional education systems.

As some nations display cautious or even skeptical attitudes toward using AI-powered chatbots in education, Singapore stands out among other APAC countries by actively testing AI implementations to enhance learning experiences for students and educators through personalized learning, automatic exam grading, and immediate feedback on coding assignments.

Education is a dynamic field, constantly transforming to align with an increasingly digital world.

Singapore’s edtech firm, Geniebook, is a leader in this innovation. It has created an AI-based platform that adapts the educational journey to fit students’ diverse needs and preferences.

What is wrong with traditional learning methods?

Traditional education, especially in enrichment centers, typically adheres to a uniform curriculum, which might not consider each student’s unique strengths and improvement areas. This approach can result in learning gaps, a challenge noted by Geniebook’s co-founder and CEO, Zhizhong Neo.

Neo states, “The primary motivator for creating Geniebook was to bridge this gap by catering to each student’s personalized learning needs, often overlooked in traditional settings.”

GenieSmart, the heart of Geniebook’s solution, utilizes AI and machine learning to tailor educational content to the needs of each student dynamically. The solution can adapt the focus and difficulty of subjects based on a thorough analysis of a student’s performance, drawing on nearly a million data points. GenieSmart can alter question complexity to encourage engagement and ensure subject mastery based on a student’s performance in a specific area.

The solution also boasts an AI-powered recommendation feature that predicts a student’s score in 30 days, using historical academic data, the performance of similar students, and mastery of individual topics. These predictions help curate question sets that are most likely to enhance performance.

In collaboration with A*STAR, GenieSmart draws from a database of over 300,000 questions, constantly updated to match the latest syllabus set by Singapore’s Ministry of Education for primary and secondary students, covering English, math, and science. Geniebook’s data team is currently assessing the effectiveness of GenieSmart.

Human touch still matters

Despite the use of AI, Geniebook’s method still values the role of human teachers.

For instance, the GenieAsk system offers students real-time access to human educators for doubts or clarifications. Students receive initial solutions and explanations after completing GenieSmart worksheets before a human educator reviews structured responses for a comprehensive grading. This balance of AI and human interaction maximizes the benefits of both.

AI in education still requires humans

AI in education still requires humans. (Source – Shutterstock)

The platform also features gamification elements based on principles of behavioral science. For instance, the Bubble Store rewards tasks with digital tokens called Bubbles, which can be exchanged for over 5,000 rewards.

The platform has undergone a recent makeover, introducing a darker color scheme to minimize eye strain and navigation menus that are easier to use. It also sends motivational messages to students.

AI enhancements in education

Geniebook aims to further personalize its platform by integrating additional AI features, like an instant essay grader. According to Neo, such enhancements and existing features will help create a more individualized learning path.

“Students can work on tailored questions, attend in-depth classes, and ask follow-up questions, all within the same platform, in any order they wish,” says Neo.

As Geniebook rolls out new features, its primary focus remains consistent: to assist students on their educational journey and, hopefully, beyond.

Neo concludes, “The ability to learn quickly and adapt will remain essential for our children’s success. We’re proud to offer a platform that allows students to take control and accelerate their learning.”

Singaporean governments supporting AI in education

This development represents another significant stride for Singapore, a nation known for its government’s persistent support for AI. Singapore’s government always operates with a clear rationale. They have pinpointed three significant benefits of integrating AI into education: enabling adaptive learning, streamlining exam grading, and delivering advanced feedback on coding assignments.

Singapore is eager to embrace adaptive learning, a method that accommodates diversity in students’ interests and abilities. By embedding AI into its online learning platform, Singapore ensures a personalized educational experience for each student. This approach allows for efficient pace management, catering to learners at all speeds.

Government supporting AI in education.

Government supporting AI in education. (Source – Shutterstock)

The second advantage is quick and efficient exam grading, reducing the manual workload and the potential for human error. AI tools can automate this process, providing timely and effective feedback.

Lastly, AI enables comprehensive feedback on coding assignments, an improvement over traditional systems that only assess the correctness of coding scripts.

Despite ongoing global debates, Singapore is progressing with its plan to incorporate AI into its education system. The objective is to equip its workforce by 2030 with the necessary skills to support an AI-driven economy and to stimulate the development of innovative AI products and services.

While Singapore is expanding AI’s role in education, specialists and authorities emphasize that technology will never entirely replace the vital role of teachers in nurturing and mentoring students.

Teachers are more than mere knowledge conduits. They foster, inspire, and stimulate youthful curiosity while providing essential human interaction and support as young people grow and find their way in the world. These are roles that AI cannot fulfill.