Data access and privacy as human rights

 Show Notes for Series 02 Episode 09 Just a few short years ago, technologists were predicting that smart algorithms could determine our tastes and perhaps suggest other goods or services we might buy! Now, with that type of technology a reality, what’s the next logical step, and where does that leave our rights to… Read more »

28 October 2020 . 00:34:52

Show Notes for Series 02 Episode 09

Just a few short years ago, technologists were predicting that smart algorithms could determine our tastes and perhaps suggest other goods or services we might buy! Now, with that type of technology a reality, what’s the next logical step, and where does that leave our rights to privacy?

Who owns our data? Is privacy a human right? How do companies work with each other, with governments and with non-profits to develop modern data frameworks that allow tech’s evolution yet stop us being changed by the few holders of big data?

The guest in this Tech Means Business podcast is Cisco’s Naveen Menon, the president of the company’s ASEAN operations. Naveen is also part of the World Economic Forum, where he advises, consults and guides companies and governments at the highest level.

Over the course of this podcast, we move from data privacy and anonymity issues to the ways that companies are now becoming both more aware of, and proactive in the fields of data management, protection of data rights and how data is shaping the near and far futures.

Naveen began his career as a management consultant, has worked all over the world, and now spearheads Cisco Systems’ in the APAC, pushing positive and constructive models of digitization for businesses across the region.

In today’s socially-democratic arenas, where anyone with a LinkedIn account can term themselves a “thought leader”, it’s refreshing to hear from a technologist who has something vitally important to say and a positive message to promote.

Definitely worth watching a YouTube segment or two, as recommended by Naveen. Start here, then follow those recommendations as made by the creepy AI algorithm:

Naveen Menon on LinkedIn:

And Joe’s LinkedIn is here:


Full transcript available.