Marketing agents can aim for higher brand impact with digital advertisements. Source: Shutterstock

Marketing agents can aim for higher brand impact with digital advertisements. Source: Shutterstock

Study shows why brands are aiming for a digital-first identity

ONLINE advertising has proven its ability to promote a brand, but its effectiveness in establishing an impactful brand identity is still being explored. When building a brand, marketers need to constantly look for new ways to reach their target audience in an effective manner.

As the internet becomes one of the most dominant mediums to connect various audiences from all over the world, brands realize that their target audiences are not only online but also easier to reach via digital platforms.

Since then, online advertising has been the aim of various brands with a common belief that choosing either video ads, banner ads, or social media postings — whichever suits the brand — is the best way to engage with audiences.

A recent Kantar study revealed that the world of online advertising is a bit more complicated than simply choosing a certain digital media format or channel.

Video ads, the report said, stand out because they are interactive, memorable, and emotionally evoking.

Display ads, on the other hand, not only deliver messages in a compact and clear manner but also enable marketers to target the right audiences more carefully. Meanwhile, social media postings set the right tone and build a personality for the brand.

Putting things into perspective, the study highlighted how leveraging these digital media formats in some combination, allow brands to form an interactive and synergetic relationship with their audience.

In fact, together, they’re able to effectively spread awareness, establish brand associations, and increase the motivation to purchase.

According to the report, the three digital formats and channels allowed brands to retain 20 percent of the impact created after running advertising campaigns for 8 weeks.

From a more conservative point of view, most brands believe that advertising through offline media channels such as the TV or the radio would make them more memorable. Regardless, the retention rate was maintained through the synergies of the three digital media.

This is especially important in a world where the number of active online users are skyrocketing.

Additionally, the synergies of online advertising also impacted the return on investment (ROI): Video ads, display ads, and social media postings delivered 30 percent better returns.

Not to mention, a mixed bag of online advertisements have been proven to be more cost-effective when it comes to delivering powerful results compared to offline media channels.

On another note, the study also encouraged digital marketers to leverage online advertising with a tailored creative input that best complemented the strength of each format — with a central focus on creating positive reinforcements.

To thrive in the digital world, digital marketers must ultimately understand that brands have to create relevant content and leverage a combination of digital platforms and formats to best connect with their specific audiences.